Horse betting tips for professionals

There are various types of horse racing betting systems. Some rely only on mathematical formulas, some combine theory, and statistical data and best sports betting Australia games, while others draw upon both. All you have to do is input your chosen price for each type of wager. After that, they calculate the resulting payout for each option and select the one that offers the highest amount.

Pick a winner

The first step is selecting which horse will win the race. This can be done by looking at the odds or by making a guess based on experience. If you’re feeling lucky, you could even just go with your gut feeling. It doesn’t matter what system you choose so long as there is one.

Bet on the runner up

Once you have selected a horse to bet on, you need to decide whether to bet on it to finish second or third. If you’ve correctly picked the winner, then this isn’t an issue. However, if you’ve missed out on your choice, then you’ll want to take note of the runners-up because they will become more likely to make their way into your final betting lineup.

Make wagers using preselected amounts

Once you know how much to spend on each of your races, you simply create bets according to these amounts. You don’t have to waste any time trying to figure out exactly how much money you should be spending on each type of wager; instead, you can just focus on selecting the ones you wish to cover.

Payout percentages

Now comes the fun part. To see how successful your selections were, you need to determine the payouts associated with each bet. For instance, if you chose a $100 wager but ended up winning $200, you would receive a payout ratio of 50%. Similarly, if you selected a $50 wager but won a total of $150, your payoff percentage would be 25% (as opposed to 100%). When allocating funds, ensure that you keep track of what you spent per bet.


Betting strategies can be complex and confusing. They can also be quite simple depending on what kind of strategy you employ. It is always important to use a proven betting system when placing bets. If you aren’t sure where to start, you can check out our online casino games section.

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